Use Smart Automation and AI To

Build A Pure Profit Business

An Online MBA (On Steroids) That Costs Less Than One Harvard Credit Hour


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Here Is What You Get When You Join Today

  • Online Training Course With Weekly Live Coaching
  • ELMessenger Pro (Facebook Automation Software)
  • AI- Selling Secrets (Let's You Create Content With A.I.)
  • Facebook Treasure Chest (Swipefile of 90,000+ organic Facebook Posts you can sort by #of likes & comments)
  • Get-It-Done Accelerator (Work Less & Make More)
  • And much more...

Fastest Ways To Create An Online Business

Ongoing Live Training & Support

New Lessons &

Contant Updates

Are You Ready To Build A Highly-Profitable, Pure Profit Business Using Smart Automation And AI?

With 100+ students and counting, The AMF Accelerator is the leading FB-Automation Training In The World.

If you’re looking for a way to create an online income for yourself... So you can take back your freedom, replace your 9-5, and regain your personal power, you're in the right place.

The AdsMadeFree Acceletor can help you do just that. You can stop looking for all the answers. You can close all those tabs about how to make money with free traffic. Because with some focus and a little help from us, you can build a real online business that generates huge paycheck every week.

The AMF program is a living, breathing, online business building machine. It's all based on everything I’ve learned over the last 10 years while I quietly created two 6-figure free traffic-driven businesses as an affiliate marketer and course creator.

It took me almost two years to create & refine all of the content and modules in the AdsMadeFree Accelerator, and with 100+ students, I cracked the code.

Some people say it’s like an ivy league MBA on steroids.

But it’s 1% of the cost of that fancy degree, and the information you’ll learn is 100% practical, and applicable for the time we are living in right now.

Most business and marketing information taught in college is a decade or more stuck in the past.

Here's where we're different...

This isn’t a thin info course about how to make a few extra bucks with a weekend side hustle.

It’s a full educational curriculum.

We teach you everything you need to know in a step-by-step manner to build an unkillable free traffic-driven business on Facebook.

Plus, I'am updating the program on a regular basis to make sure all our methods and strategies are up to date.

When you enroll in the AdsMadeFree Accelerator and join our community, you get access to everything you need to succeed.

Join Today And Get Exclusive ELMessenger Pro For Free

*As a CloudKii Lifetime Partner & Official Reseller of ELMessenger Pro Martin is allowed to give away the basic version of ELMessenger Pro as part of this program.

ELMessenger Pro* is an essentiell tool to make the Ads Made Free strategy work. It's an all-in-one tool suite that lets you automate the four most important components of Free Facebook Marketing:

Outreach, Follow Up & Organization, and Engagement. ​

Here are just a few of the things this tool can do for you:​

  • Run Free "Ads Campaigns"

Automatically reach out to people who identified themselves as your ideal prospects because the liked posts, paid ads or are members of certain Facebook groups.

  • Automate Mundane Tasks

Eliminate time- and energy consuming tasks like replying to comments that can easily be automated.

  • Automate "Two-Step Posts"

Automatically reach out to people who commented on your posts and send a direct message to them

  • Close More Sales

Spend less time looking for leads and more time actually talking to customers that are likely to buy from you.

But before I share everything with you. Do this thought experiment with me.

Imagine yourself making an extra $10k per month using only free traffic. What would that mean for you?

If you asked me this back when I was losing thousands of dollars running my first online business after quitting my 9-5 job, it would’ve massively changed my life.

I wouldn’t have had to deal with colleages only talking about retirement all the time or worring about how to find people that pay top-dollar for my FindFocus software anymore (instead of competing with my low-cost competitors).

Really think about it… what would you do with this level of income?

Would you pay off some bills? Pay off your mortgage?

Finally get out from under your crippling student debt?

You could invest the money. Or put your kids through college. You could pay off your mama’s car loan.

Go deep with me here – who would you become if you didn’t have to worry about money?

You’re here because you want something more but also want to work with someone you trust.

This isn’t just about the tactics of building a free traffic driven business.

It’s about building something bigger than anthing a 9-5 job could give you.

It’s about being in control of your life, charging what you're worth as a coach or course creator or affiliate marketer and not being stuck in the rat race for 40 years to retire when you’re old and feeble.

What this is really about is…

  • Spending more time doing what you love.
  • Having more time with your family.
  • Waking up when you want.
  • Finding meaning and purpose.
  • Relieving the stress, pressure, and worry around finances.

All of this is possible. I’ve done it.

Over 100 students have gone through the AdsMadeFree Accelerate and have learned the skills to change their financial futures forever.

In the digital age, things move fast. 🚀

I’ll show you how to take back your power, once and for all. And we do this by teaching recession-proof skills that don't only work on Facebook.

We may have never met, but I bet we’re pretty similar. My life was pretty average just 6 years ago.

I was working full-time at an oil and gas company. I was never promoted and but was on track to making 6 figures for the first time in my life.

On paper, all my friends and family thought I had made it.

I had a high-paying job, a title, and “status” at work and my boss did not even care that I reduced my working hours to just 30 hours per week.

But in reality, I was miserable. I would often fantazie about running an online busiess and watchin all those success stories from well known gurus. ️

I was killing myself to save as much money as I could to leave that place and start my own business.

I know, I know… it was a good wage.

But I wasn’t making any progress doing something I really cared about. I could feel the golden handcuffs getting tighter around my wrists. (or was contanstly reminded by my colleages who felt sorry that my retirement was still 40 years away)

At this rate, I’d never do what I'd love.

My days were spent living for a Russian company that belonged to a state that started a war in 2014.

Half of my waking hours spent doing things I didn’t care for, just to have an above-average income that didn't make me happy.

I’ve always been a little bit rebellious and introspective. I kept asking myself:

“Why is this the way the world is? Why do we trade so much time for money? All that time spent away from our family and friends… All this time that we’ll never get back. And for what? Just to survive?”

So I put my nose down and decided to change course. I threw myself into online marketing so I could build something that didn’t gobble up all my time, and allowed me to make more money than I had sense.

But I was up for a rough awaking. Running an online business can be extremly expensive if you're listening to those gurus.

Paid ads can quickly costs thousands of dollars and even the gurus running ads are losing money most of the time.

So after running the Pareto Sales & Marketing summit interviewing more than 40+ six-, seven-, and even 8-figure entrepreneurs I discovered that basically all rags to $10k stories happened on Facebook.

And I that's what I want for you.

With The AdsMadeFree Accelerator...

My Mission Is Simple

I want you to build something for yourself and to make real, life-changing money.

In 2021, I spent over one year to create the best Facebook organic marketing course in the world.

I spend countless hours planning the newcurriculum and beta testing it as live program with students.

And in 2023, the AdsMadeFree is the best free traffic coaching program on the planet with over 100 students and counting.

My focus was simple and it started based on these questions:

  • How do I take a student from very little knowledge of the online business world and get them making their first (or next $10,000? How do I make this thing work for sure?
  • How do I push students like yourself through every doubt, every roadblock, and every worry so that you’re not sitting alone, crying at your computer trying to figure out all the details by yourself?

I set out to build an two active communites, to prove Facebook marketing works, reengiering everything those people charing $10,000 for their coaching programms are doing.

All while looking over the shoulder telling my studentds exactly what to do, click-by-click, so their’re never wondering what to do next.

I'm happy to say we figured it out.

Since then, I’ve tested my methods with more students who joined the program recently, and we created something no one else in this niche has.

You see, lots of people sell courses on dropshipping, and Amazon FBA.

Some teach you how to create your own social media marketing agencies, or how to build and sell software.

But there are 3 things wrong with these approaches:

  • Most of them require a significant amount of startup capital or advanced skills. So you’re looking at needing at least $50,000 to $100,000 of financial runway, at minimum, to get started properly. And if you don’t have the cash, you need to have a hefty skill set from years of experience working online.
  • Or if they are teaching something like blogging the don't tell you that you won't be making any money because Google puts any new website into a sandbox for two years.
  • Or worst of all: Many of these people selling courses don’t actually make their money doing what they’re telling you to do. (But don’t tell them I told you this.)

I get it and totally understand what they’re doing, but I wholeheartedly disagree with this approach. So much so that I’ve distanced would refuse to sell this program for over one year because it did not live up to my own standards.

While I am teaching you everything I know inside the AdsMadeFree Accelerator, I’m still actively involved in running and growing my two Facebook communities.

Just in November 2022 I made over $10,000 using the exact strategies I teach inside the AMF Accelerator.

I mention this because I’m not just selling you a system that worked for some time and is now outdated. I’m still actively growing my Facebook Groups using the same exact techniques and strategies in the AdsMadeFree Accelerator.

And it’s not a generic video course.

It’s a highly effective coaching program with mulitiple layers of support built right in focusing on creating a business using the ELMessenger Pro Software.

But before I tell you all about it, I want you to see we were able to achieve:

Martin's Results (Only Using Free Traffic Strategies And ELMessenger Pro)

Results From Other AdsMadeFree Customers

*Earnings and income representations made by Martin Boeddeker and their advertisers/sponsors collectively are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results The sales figures stated above are our personal sales figures and those of students that worked extremely hard.

Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of doing internet marketing for 8+ years and have an established following as a result. The average person who follows any “how-to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you. Martin Boeddeker is not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence.

Here's What You Get When You Join The

Ads Made Free Accelerator Today

AdsMadeFree Accelerator 2.0 Training

Learn how to create a Free Facebook marketing strategy to create content with the push of a button.

You'll never have to worry about creating copy or creating new templates for the free Facebook Ad campaigns you run with ELMessenger, so you can focus on what matters most:

Connecting your your ideal prospects and customers and making the sale.

ELMessenger Basic

Get Access to ELMessenger Pro for as part of this offer. Use all the features of this amazing messaging platform and get access to unlimited messaging capabilities, the ability to set up your own Facebook CRM, and a whole host of other features that you'll love.

ELMessenger Secrets

Are you ready to take your ELMessenger Pro experience to the next level?

Do you want to learn how to use all of its features like a pro, and impress your friends with your mastery? Well, you’re in luck!

With the ELMessenger Pro fast start tutorials, you’ll be an ELMessenger Pro master in no time.

Done-For-You Marketing Viral Funnel

With my done-for-you scripts you'll never worry about what to say because you'll get the exact words that make people want to get involved with you, which means you'll be ready for any sales situation.

It's like having your own personal copywriter looking over your shoulder - because you'll get the exact words that make people want to get your accept your friend request, join your Facebook group, and buy your high-ticket product or service.

AI Selling Secrets

With the help of free A.I., you can easily create push button marketing copy in seconds. That's right—all you have to do is push a button and leave the hard work to the A.I.

Thanks to the power of A.I., you can now create compelling, attention-grabbing copy that rivals that of the greatest copywriting masters.

And best of all, it's totally free! So why waste time? Start pushing buttons to create a masterful marketing masterpiece today!

My Secret Facebook Treasure Chest (Priceless)

You get immediate access to my ever-growing secret Facebook treasure chest that contains tens of thousands Facebook posts to see what kind of content will get you the best results.

Sort the list by number of likes, comments, look for patterns from successful other marketers or use this as inspiration for creating or own content.

Even better: Simply use what you learn in AI-Selling-Secrets to create 100% unique but almost identical content that's proven to get hundreds of likes, shares and comments

The Get It Done Accelerator

If you're like most people, you've probably spent far too much time scrolling through Facebook, liking photos of your friend's pet, and you don't even know where the hours went!

But what if you could make your time on Facebook super productive? Simply use what you'll learn in the "Get-It-Done Accelerator" to maximize your time on Facebook (and any other area of your life) so you'll get actual work done.

Take the advantage of this special offer before anyone else in the market

Special Affiliate Marketing Bonuses (coming soon)

(only relevant in case you don't want to sell your own product or service).

Enjoy benefits of sharing Martin's FREE Done-For-You courses, lead-magents and valuable software tools that are designed to make people learn more about Free Facebook Ads so they want join the the Accelerator with your affilaite link.

The Facebook ATM Course

The Facebook ATM is a free course that explains the concept of free Facebook ads in a way that will make your leads want to join the paid program as well.

You can make money just by simply sharing the course with your network! It's like a money-making machine—you put in the time to share and promote the course, and my follow-up campaign does all the work for you.

White-Label Rights For Free Traffic Cash Machine-Software

Normally this software sells this for $197 on the official website, but I've worked out a deal where you can not only use it for free but also a free lead magnet funnel!

It's a really amazing tool that will allow you the get high-quality leads from Facebook, and you should get it setup and running right away (set-up takes less than 10 minutes)!

CloudKii CRM Social Media Planer

Don't let your other social media accounts be an afterthought and forget about scrambling to post something at the last minute.

Share the CloudKii social media scheduler with your affilaite link, so you and your leads can maximize their time and make sure the right content is always posted at the perfect time.

Customer Only Facebook Group

Our customer only mastermind group on Facebook is THE place to be if you want to make the most out of ELMessenger Pro and other free traffic strategies.

With exclusive access to me, you'll be able to ask me all your burning questions, and get the inside scoop on all the best tips and tricks to make your business skyrocket.

Plus, you'll be able to connect with all the other 6 and 7-figure business owners of the group who use ELMessenger Pro.

ELMessenger Pro Is Battle-Tested And Proven

We don't just talk. We deliver.


Users of ELMessenger Pro


Contacts Acquired


Messages Sent

We don't just talk. We deliver.

Join The Ads Made Free Accelerators Today

Imagine What It’s Like When Success Is Inevitable...

Now that we’ve covered everything, let's crunch some numbers.

If the AdsMadeFree Acceletar only helped you to make just a one sale that makes an extra $500 per month, this is $6,000 per year.

And you added that to your income. Would it be worth it?

If all this did was give you the step-by-step system to build a real online business and never have to worry about money again… would it be worth it?

And if all this did was give you 24/7 access to a commuinity of experts and people one the same journey as you, would it be worth it to you?

Just answer those questions.

Basically, you have 2 options.

You can go it alone and spend thousands of dollars trying to figure it out, getting frustrated through trial and error, and wasting 2-3 years of your life.

The idea of going it alone is tough because every online business is highly nuanced.

It’s not like you’re playing chess where there’s a finite set of rules and metrics.

The ability to run a free traffic driven business on Facebook that makes money is based on learning the strategy that works, implementing what we teach you, and personalizing it to you.

So really, you could do it all by yourself, but you’re sure to waste a lot of time with outdated strategies.

Or you'll get bogged down in a niche that doesn’t make you any money.

Or you could learn the exact system from someone who hasn’t just mastered it, but one that is still in the trenches growing their Facebook communities, and who is among the best in the world at it.

And even if you only attain just 1% of my success, The AdsMadeFree accelerator pays for itself tenfold.

Build Skills That Pay Much More Than Any 9-5.

You could save for retirement, build your kids’ college fund, pay off student loans or go on multiple vacations each year.

And that’s if you just decide to promote the AdsMadeFree accelerator as an affiliate.

So imagine the possibilities of the ROI of AMF when you put your full effort into it, and sell your own high-ticket service or coaching program.

Think about it like this.

I've build two 6-figure businesses that make over $120,000 and is still growing.

Let’s say you only achieved 10% of that. That’s an extra $12,000 in pure profit because you don't have to spend any money on paid ads.

You could take that money and invest it and see big returns 10 years down the road. You could send your kids to college without worrying about student loans.

But it’s not just about what you do with the extra money, it’s what the money does for you.

What’s great about this process is you’re divorcing yourself from an hourly wage because what we teach in Blog Growth Engine compounds with time...

Jim Rohn once said:

“Profits are better than wages.” 💯

That’s because profits make you a fortune, and wages make you a living.

Both are fine, but to get ahead, you have to do build skills that pay much more than any 9-5.

Martin's Trophy For Generating $10k In Affiliate Commissions In Nov. 2022

The profits from building your own audience and community grow over time.

And eventually, you'll get so good that your income will surpass your 9-5 income, further separating you from the job you’re used to have.

That’s what I wish I did before leaving my high-paying job as an engineer before wasting literally all my live safes in following diferent business models instead of using something that works.

So what’s the ROI of joining the AdsMadeFree Accelerator?

Well, let’s just take a look…

Can this pay for itself? Can you make $1,000 per month from free traffic in 3 months?


Let’s say you put in some work and get there with some a few affiliate sales.

And now you get your own high-end service or coaching program that makes where you charge $10,000 - $18,000 like the case studies you saw in the masterclass (which is absolutely possible), and then you have 10 sales for a 6-figure income.

That’s all it takes to make $100,000 right there.

Even if something goes dumpster-fire levels of wrong and you only make $500 per month...

You’re still making $6,000 every single year that with the community you're building because it’s a free traffic driven business.

Even if you never create your own high-ticket program or service, you’re still winning.

So really, the only way to lose is by not joining us, not taking action, and not pushing your knowledge forward to finally start building something for yourself with smart automation and AI.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

I put in 110% effort on each individual customer who joins the Accelerator, so I’m convinced that this program will work for you. Therefore, I am offering you an conditional 100% money-back guarantee. To take advantage of this guaranteed just get one ELMessenger Pro Outreach Campaign live in the first 30 days after joining.

That means to qualifiy for the money back guarentee only need to start a 100% Free Facebook Ads Campaign with ELMessenger Pro and if you are not completely satisfied with the results and the free traffic you're getting, simply let me know within 30 days and I’ll refund every penny you paid, with absolutely no questions asked.

Martin Boeddeker


Can you really make money with free traffic?

The short answer is yes.

While Free Facebook Marketing has gotten more competitive over the years, there are over 2 billion people active on Facebook. Think about it this way… you only need to find the right people.

What if you could find just 10 people willing to pay you $10,000 dollars or more by building an audience that resonate with your story. Or making 40% affiliate commission from every sale you get for referring this program to someone that needs it.

That’s exactly what I did when I started out (before creating this program) and exactly what you can do too. Our program will help you to build “the right skills” and become the "goto person" in your niche and in your community so there is virtually no competition.

How does your product work?


This program is a culmination of 10 years of experience not just in Facebook automation and AI, but knowledge gained in a digital marketing career that spanned multiple disciplines, including Affiliate Management and running my own software company.

You'll get the latest free traffic and organic marketing strategies teaching your everything you need to know to sell expensive things on Facebook wheter it's affiliate products, coaching or services etc.

How are you different from other courses?

When launching the AdsMadeFree accelerator in 2020 it was focused on selling one specific software ( as an affiliate on Facebook.

Since then I did extensive research on the current online course & coaching landscape on Facebook so that I could one-up the competition and make the best course on Free Facebook Marketing in existence.

I had to understand what currently existed to blow every other course and most $10k coaching programs out of the water .

Here’s how we differ.

Our students are real people from all walks of life:

Midmapping coaches, ice-hockey coaches, people wanting to learn affiliate marketing (ranging from college students to 78 retired pensioner as well as freelancers trying to sell funnel building services.

We have a wide range of ages and genders and are from all over the world.

All regular people. We’re not nerds. We’re not sleezy marketing gurus selling BS products.

I want my students to build timeless skills that stand the test of time and change their lives forever.

There’s a reason that so many people starting an online marketing program fail.

It’s because people who launch them focus too much on fancy tools and complicated funnels, and then trying to tell them they need to "run ads" or other expensive software they don't mention in their sales communication.

Then live shows up and it takes longer.

It’s too expensive, and they quit.

While succeeding with building funnels is possible today, it just so happens that the likelihood of success is very small.

Yes, if you’re already an funnel building expert, have mulipile products you can sell in the bandend and you're experienced with paid traffic, you could go out and buy all the traffic you want.

You can afford to spend $20,000 - $30,000 or losing money on every sale you get, because over time you make your money back.

But what if this is the first oniine buisness you’ve ever created?

Do you think you can copy and paste a funnel, run some paid ads and get it just right at the beginning?

Most people can’t.

That’s why we teach the personalized, direct approach to finding your frist customers based on your individual identity, testing multiple sub-niches, and real feedback by talking to real people on Facebook messager.

Yes, ELMessenger Pro helps a lot with the boring repetitive tasks but there is always a lot of nuance to building a business like this.

We offer ongoing support and live tech coaching calls for free as part of your enrollment in AdsMadeFree Accelerator & your ELMessenger Subscription.

I have no experience at all. Is this still for me?


This course is built to launch and grow a profitable free traffic driven business from zero and teaches every tactic you need on niche selection, building your Facebook group, content writing, qualifying prospects, handling messenger conversations and making sales with Zoom calles.

We also give you the exact done-for-you scripts framework to build your own audience from scratch - no technical skills required.

Even if you’re not an “expert” in any area, we will help you find your unique niche that you can grow in and become successful.

Will I need to buy extra tools after I purchase this course?
How does your product work?

Short answer: ELMessenger Pro is all you need.

You'll get 90 days for free and then it's $67/month.

You can start your 90-day free trial anytime you want after joining the AdsMadeFree Accelerator.

A lot of affiliate marketers and course creators try to make extra money recommending overprices and expensive tools. (I was one of them)

Similar software tools, cost up to $997/month. ELMessenger is the best tool to automate over 90% or running a business like this.

Using a funnel builder like Kartra, Groove and/or email autoresponder service is recommended at some point in time but not needed.

It's so easy to get lost and wasting time building fancy funnels. I want you to focus on what matters most: Making some cash, so you can afford to pay for these tools eventually.

What if I am already an experience coach or expert in...?

This course will work even better for you as we give all of the business frameworks to automate your customer getting process.

While you might not need to consume the content on figuring out your customers avatar, you can still learn the exact ways to set-up ELMessenger to get free leads on autopilot or use our sales scripts to charge what you're worth.

Success doesn't come from just being an expert. It is made through the business principles taught in this course.

It is achieved from haveing a proven customer getting and follow-up process than converts stranger into high-paying clients along with a content creation, making more offers and not giving up.

Will this course be updated?

Yes, this course is constantly evolving and being updated as I learn more about Free Facebook Marketing.

I just released version 2.0 in a live setting I'm constantly adding new scripts, case studies, lessons and tools (like my own AI Generator that is part of your ELMessenger Subscription).

Once you enroll, you are a customer for life — you will not pay for future updates or the course.

The only extra cost is the ELMessenger Pro tool bundle which is free for 90 days.

By then you will have made your first sales and you'll see that these tools estencially pays for itself.

All other content updates are included with your one-time purchase and incase you find yourself not using any of the tools that come with your subscription, you can cancel any time.

How much time should I spend on my business?

Short answer: You have to be willing to put in work to make this work.

To build take full advantage of the ELMessenger Pro automation, you actually have to build the all the elements step-by-step.

But with after the initial set-up, you can make a lot more progress in less time.

We recommend you spend at least 1 hour per day following the AMF-daily action plan.

Testimonials and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of "AdsMadeFree" products and related products are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Facebook, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Facebook.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission.

ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

This site and software is not endorsed by or associated with Facebook in any way.

Copyright 2023 - All Rights Reserved by FindFocus & Martin Boeddeker.

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